1. First memory of the club -
Going to JJB at U6 level with Packie O Connor over us.
2. Biggest GAA influence -
I’d go with Pat McCann here, he was my principal in primary school and was always eager to get boys involved in GAA and got us plenty of games, might’ve got away with a thing or two being a gaels man aswell.
3. Worst trainer -
Worst trainer is definitely Gog, he could be flying one week and out for the season the next week. I didn’t want to say Burky because he’d be after me at every session for the rest of the year.
4. Best trainer -
Best trainers are crilly and moloney by far, you know your in for a long night if your told to mark one of them.
5. Funniest team mate -
I’ll go with sean mccann for this one, his stories and impressions are something you’d pay to hear and every one is brilliant.
6. Favourite pitch -
Definitely the gaels pitch, its in serious condition all year round.
7. Most memorable win -
I’ll go with a minor win V Kilkerly in 2018, they were one of the best teams in the county at that time and we played them off the pitch at a important point of the year.
8. Favourite sportsperson -
Paul Galvin
9. Your having a dinner party, Three people you'd invite -
Elvis Presley, steven gerrard and eamon dunphy